About NPCC
The Nurse Portfolio Credentialing Commission (NPCC) is a CMS-recognized national certifying body (as of Jan. 1, 2023) dedicated to promoting professional advancement through credentialing of highly qualified Registered and Advanced Practice nurses. We believe that the critical role nurses are entrusted with offers a unique opportunity to impact the patient experience and enhance safety.
Portfolio-based credentialing allows nurses to showcase their unique talents and triumphs in a vast range of clinical settings, allowing underrepresented specialties the chance to recognize individual accomplishments. Outstanding nurses deserve recognition.
If you are interested in portfolio-based credentialing for a nursing specialty not currently offered, click below to contact us.

Awarding nursing excellence in Genomics
Honoring the critical role and responsibility that nurses hold in enhancing the patient experience through assessment, education, and advocacy. NPCC offers the only specialty nursing certification for Genomic Nurses nationwide.
Currently accepting applications for the following certifications:
Clinical Genomics Nurse (CGN)
Advanced Clinical Genomics Nurse (ACGN)
More coming soon

Baccalaureate Degree In Nursing Required
Document family histories, including pedigrees
Perform genetic focused health assessments
Deliver genomic related plans of care and carry out health care interventions
Provide supportive counseling and make referrals for genetic evaluation and genetic counseling
Provide health teaching with a genomic focus to patients, families, peers and community
Coordinate care with patients, families, and other health care providers, including the community
Clinical Genomics Nurse (CGN)
Advanced Clinical Genomics Nurse (ACGN)
Document detailed family histories, including pedigrees
Perform genomic focused health assessments
Order genetic testing, develop plans of care, initiate health care interventions and make appropriate referrals
Provide counseling to individuals and families about genetic risk
Provide health teaching to patients, families, and communities
Receive referrals from other health care providers to care for patients and families who have conditions influenced by genomic factors
Provide continuing education to other health professionals
Coordinate health care with patients, families, other health care providers, including community resources
Conduct research in nursing and genomics
Publish articles for the professional and lay literature
Bill insurance companies for reimbursement of patient visits
Advanced Practice Nurse (APRN) with Master's degree or higher in nursing
"To be credentialed as an Advanced Clinical Genomic Nurse, empowers me
to provide expert level care to the many of individuals and families."
H. Salisbury
“I feel absolutely privileged to be credentialed in an ever evolving
specialty of nursing genomics that offers individuals and families in our community access to hereditary cancer risk evaluation as a proactive approach to health promotion. Thank you so much for providing this recognition and opportunity."
D. Lamp
"Having a certification as an Advanced Clinical Genomic Nurse is a signal to others that I am committed to providing quality care to patients. It took time to complete the portfolio for credentialing, but I'm so proud of myself! I'm so glad I put in the work to demonstrate my knowledge and experience."
C. Lustig
"I am so overwhelmed, emotional and am honored to have been awarded
the ACGN designation!"
M. Knowles
"As a nurse practitioner focusing on cancer genetics, I had a goal to
become credentialed."
C. Snyder
Still have questions?
Contact us below: